Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pick the Right Biz for YOU


A lot of people want to start their own business but don't know where to start. I don't mean how to start making money but how to get started at square one by actually picking a business. Hopefully, an entrepreneur picks the right business. Not the right business according to me or anyone else. But what is the right business according to that entrepreneur. Even if you are the already operating a business, perhaps you can maximize your fun and profits by taking on a different function within the business.

This is where Steve Little comes in. Steve Little is the President of Zero Limits, Inc. He is truly a renaissance man. He has been an entrepreneur since 13, he's a champion athlete, and has made tens of millions of dollars and he's still going! He's been rocking and rolling as a successful entrepreneur for more than 40 years now. Steve’s mentoring has helped hundreds of people to break the barriers sabotaging their success and have created their dream life as a result. He has put his knowledge into a program called The Perfect Biz Finder. What it does is help you find your perfect business in 21 days or less. Step by step resources and blog take you by the hand and show you the perfect business that is genetically matched to your DNA.

You can take a free psychoanalytic survey (valued at $297) on his site at www.PickTheRightBizForYou.com.

Check out this 45-minute interview that I did with Steve on Tuesday, November 10th, 2009. You have GOT TO give this a listen.

Make sure to bookmark Steve's site and to take the survey. He has some exciting announcements in the weeks ahead.

To your success,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one on The Home Biz Newsletter Blog Page and it helps a lot.

And I would like to tell you that We are a group of Moms (and Dads) who have teamed together. We have real answers and a simple business plan to work from home and earn better than a regular job. You can get more details here http://debtfreeliving.momsmakemore.com/

karim - Work from home moms make more