Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obey the Law of Reciprocity!

You know, I like to help people, and generally do not want or expect anything in return. However, when networking, some people always call me for a "hook-up" of some sort but they never reciprocate.

Check out this video I put on YouTube:

Here is a letter that I'm sending to a few people. They have to be reminded that networking is a two-way street:


Dear Friend,

I need your help.

You know that I network like a mad man and I work really hard to help others have success. I'm always looking for ways to connect people to prospective customers, vendors, and strategic partners. Not all of the referrals work out, but the fact is I give quality introductions via email, or I set up a conference call or a video chat.

Heck, I may have purchased products from you or used your service in the past - or maybe I still do.

Hey, I really need you to help me out.

Who do you know who is a busy corporate professional that has a side business?

I market two services that may be able to help them automate and preschedule blog posts and social media updates, and a tool that allows them to network with others from the comfort of their home or office.

Here are the links for these two services:Please keep your eyes and ears open for me and forward this info to others in your network.

I've shown you time and time again that I do in fact keep my eyes and ears open, and forward info to my social media network about you and the products/services that you offer.

Let's get the exchange flowing, and let's keep it going and growing.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Tyrone Turner


Hey, if they don't get the message, they don't want to get the message. I'll just take my database of contacts elsewhere.

You make sure that you do the same. Follow your dollar. Put money in the pockets of those that put money in your pockets.

Don't be reluctant to give first, but if it seems to be a parasitic relationship rather than a symbiotic one, drop that zero and go find a hero.

All the best,

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