Friday, October 2, 2009

Put your monkey in a bubble to get more leads

What in blue blazes am I talking about?

When you're out networking, be it face-to-face or virtual, you can stand out from the crowd if you use Survey Monkey when you follow-up. Survey Monkey is a free service that you can use to gather information from your new contacts. You can ask up to 10 questions on the free version (there is a subscription version that has additional features) and use those answers to truly add value to your new contact. It is like a lead capture page on steroids. Go to to set up your free account.


You can and should add a 'bubble comment' to your survey. This is also a free service that allows you to add a personal touch to your websites.

For those of you that are network marketers, you add a bubble comment to your company's replicated website to add your personality to it.

To get your free account, go to

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To see how I use these two free resources together, go to

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Go get 'em, tigers and tigresses!

All the best,

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