Sunday, March 8, 2009

Team-up with others to boost sales

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This is kind of a follow-up to my previous post about The ARC of the Convenant for Entrepreneurs. To better appreciate, reward, and celebrate my customers, employees, and partners, I teamed up with two other entrepreneurs that market products and services to my very same target market - sole proprietors and home-based entrepreneurs.

Here are some of the main points covered in this audio:
  • Team up with other sole proprietors and home-based business owners who are not direct competitors, but you share the same target customers

  • Complimentary products/services make you more attractive to prospects and existing customers

  • Joint ventures add value to the marketplace

  • We didn't come in on the same ship, but we're all in the same boat, so let's work together

My associate, Felicia Richardson (aka The Candle Burning Diva) markets gourmet, scented candles. Her website can be viewed by clicking here.

To view Steve Kessler markets travel certificates, gas and grocery vouchers which can be great incentives. You can visit his website, clicking here.

I hope this helps,

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