Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Online Social Networking Sites - Where Do You Start?

DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to be an expert. I am nothing more than a student of this new phenomenon called online social networking. The following are just my thoughts based on my personal experience and results. The intention of this blog entry is to provoke thought on this topic so that people make better time management decisions and have realistic expectations from their online social networking experiences. This is NOT gospel. I leave the gospel to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Peter, and Paul (smile).

How many times a day do you get invitations via e-mail to connect with someone, or to become friends with someone on one social networking site or another, or that someone is following you? I get these kind of e-mail messages every day and I have to constantly remind myself to heed to the advice that I give others...

Make sure to limit the number of online social networks that you belong to otherwise you'll be glued to the computer and real life will pass you by. On top of that, you'll blow up your e-mail account because it will get full of messages pretty quickly.

I like what Timothy Ferris does with his e-mail as stated in his best selling book, The 4 Hour Work Week. He checks his e-mail twice per day, and only Monday through Friday. When you adopt that practice, you'll find that you're a lot more productive.

Anyway, I digress. Let me get back to my take on online social networking sites.

  • They are cool tools to add to your social and business tool box. However, they DO NOT replace what you're already doing (e.g. picking up the phone and visiting with people face-to-face)

  • Know what your goals are. If you're getting involved with social networking sites to grow your business, make sure that you're joining the right online social networks. Not all are conducive to business networking.

  • Join no more than 5 online social networks

  • Use online social networking sites to as a bridge to get online conversations offline (e.g. face-to-face)
In a previous blog entry, I talked about 7 different types of face-to-face networking groups, and how the guru of networking and founder of Business Network International, Ivan Misner, Ph.D., mentions that you should belong to 3 different types of these networking groups. Because online social network cuts out the travel component, I'd say that you can do 5 online social networking groups.

Here is my Fab 5 (in no particular order) as these are the ones that best fit MY objectives and personality:
  1. Meetup - I am a huge fan of this site because they get it. I love their slogan: "Maybe it's time for a little less face-to-screen and a little more face-to-face." I have been able to meet some wonderful people in Atlanta and Charlotte. I was able to get on a plane and meet these wonderful folks who were incredibly hospitable and welcoming to me. To date, my event planning and promotions business, Grassroots Business Network is growing mostly because of Meetup.com.

  2. LinkedIn - I have found this site to be a great resource because there is a huge knowledge base here. People ask and answer great questions. Also, if you're good at what you do, people recommend you on this site for the whole world to see.

  3. Facebook - Man, you can find anyone here! I've bumped into people that I haven't seen or spoken to in years. It is definitely worth getting on this site because you can reconnect with people from the past.

  4. Twitter - This is kind of like a 'mini blog' where you can give your contacts that answer to that ever-present question...What are you doing right now?

  5. Fast Pitch! Networking - This one is a sleeper hit. Fast Pitch! Networking is loaded with features. Everything from instant messaging, video chat between you and your contacts, and the list goes on. This one is a serious business only resource.

    I know that I said 5, but I just have to throw this one in as it is a new type of online social networking site...

  6. BlitzTime - This company provides a very unique phone-based and web-based platform that allows for speed networking events over the phone. It is a blast and you can really cut through to the chase and get down to the nitty-gritty with people. It is hard to explain, so just go to BlitzTime.com and click on the Interactive Demo link at the top of the page.

Well, there you have it, folks. I hope that this sheds some light on online social networking sites.

All the best to you and remember to get out there and meet people from time to time.

Hey, you! Get out up from that computer desk! And you! Put down that Blackberry!

Tyrone Turner

1 comment:

byodbuzz03 said...

The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.