Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The biblical story of Joseph, and the election of Barack Obama

This is a business blog, but due to the historical significance of electing Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States, I decided to post this entry to my blog.

This instantly popped into my mind when Katie Couric announced that Barack Obama is projected to become the President of the United States of America.

Folks, were you raised in the church, synagogue, or mosque? If so, you probably remember the story of Joseph, son of Jacob.

To learn or reacquaint yourself with is story, click on the links below:

Joseph's Dreams / Joseph Sold By His Brothers

Joseph and Potiphar's Wife

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams / Joseph Rises to Power

Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt

Joseph's Brothers Return to Egypt

Joseph Tests His Brothers

Joseph Provides for His Brothers and His Family

Joseph Brings His Family to Egypt / Jacob and Joseph

Where am I going with this? I am the grandson of sharecroppers, and the great-great-great grandson of slaves. Born in the United States of America - modern day Egypt as it is 'THE' country on the world stage.

President-elect, Barack Obama, is very much like Joseph. He had a dream, and strong faith in the face of overwhelming odds to become an administrator in the land of his people's bondage.

Don't hear me wrong now. President-elect Obama IS NOT a prophet or the second-coming of Christ.

If you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, you know better than to put your undying faith into any man or woman. That is reserved for the MOST HIGH (or whatever your deem appropriate).

It is just that this is like prophecy to black folks born in this country. I didn't think that I would live to see this moment. It is so relieving to see that the country can get passed the color issue and elect a black man to the presidency.

I never thought that I would see this in my lifetime, and I hope that I live to see individuals of Latino, Asian, Jewish descent get elected to our great nation's high office.

GOD bless America.

Kind regards,

Tyrone Turner


dave said...

So, you're related to slaves; Joseph was sold, ultimately, to an Egyptian, not into slavery as you aver, but to be used of the LORD to save his family; while he had a dream, he, like Daniel, was known as an interpreter of dreams; while he was in Egypt, his people NEVER were wasn't until many years after Joseph died and was forgotten that the children of Israel became "enslaved."

There will be many, such as yourself, who will attempt to create Barack Obama into your own image of him and, in that, you become slaves...of sin; you are putting him forth as something that he isn't, effectively making an idol of him.

The Creator said "Thou shalt not do such a thing." I suppose that it doesn't matter to you, though.

Tyrone Turner said...

I am not idolizing Barack Obama.

He is just a man and I was speaking metaphorically when I said that he was LIKE Joseph being that he became the administrator (President in Obama's case) in a land where his people (i.e. black people) were shunned and considered second-class citizens.

I am not creating Mr. Obama in my own image. Technically speaking, Barack Obama isn't African-American as his black father is from Kenya (East Africa) and his mother was white. Whatever the case may be, he is certainly black - according to this country's "One Drop Rule".

Black is black. If me, and my two buddies who happen to be from Barbados and the Dominican Republic were walking down the street, you would see three black guys. Phenotype would be obvious, ethnicity a distant second. Again, black is black.

Anyway, Dave, it is just great to see that the people of this country are open-minded enough to get passed color.

I hope that I live to see an Asian, Latino, Jewish president. That is what America promised after all.

Hey, Dave, "judge not for ye may be judged." Oh, I supposed that doesn't matter to you though - touche! (smile)

dave said...

Technically speaking, he's exactly African-American in a way that Americans who have black skin color, calling themselves "African-American" aren't and can never be.

The Americans who "hold out hope for repatriation" to their "homeland," or "messiahed out" of their perceived state of "second-classedness" are to be pitied; holding on to an unflattering identifier that someone told them was supposed to replace the kingly, magnificent, and dignified term "Negro" just makes me want to puke.

Perhaps the president-elect will convince that vast population of wannabe Americans that they're already Americans, need to start acting like Americans, and stop acting like they're in need of handouts. If he's able to do that (unlikely), he'll have done more for the Negro than anyone else who's tried to slap them awake.

You said that you were related to slaves; I'm still a slave which is how I'm able to say all of that with such abandon and it still makes sense.