PRINT THIS OUT if you're involved in our considering starting a network marketing home-based business. I am 100% confident that you'll find this helpful.There is so much hype out there these days.
Before you invest your time, energy, and money, please ask your latest candidate to become your business partner 10 questions.
I'm not just talking about a new distributor you're looking to enroll, but also the gal or guy that is trying to recruit you.
Desired score for both is 70% - at least 7 out of 10 answers should be acceptable to you.
If you don't feel comfortable with the person or the proposition, DO NOT partner with them.
Questions for Your Prospective Trainees:- Have you ever worked a home-based business before? Tell me about your experiences.
[To determine their experience level].
- What made you join that business?
[To determine their 'why']
- Why do you want to join this business?
[To determine if their excitement being tempered by reasonable thought]
- How much extra income per month would make you feel like you're getting ahead?
[What amount of money is considered 'success' to them]
- How many hours per week are you going to dedicate to growing your business?
[Is the time commitment in-line with the income goal?]
- How do you see yourself growing your business. From home, over the Internet, phone, mailing post cards, meeting new people, or some other way? [This will give you and idea of their personality type]
- Do you have a * minimum * of $100 per month to commit to the operations of and marketing of your business?
[It costs to grow a business. This includes personal product and/or service use, along with replicated website, Bookkeeping software, CRM, samples, marketing collateral, postage, face-to-face networking events, and speed networking over the phone.]
- How long are you going to commit to working this business before you decide that it is not for you? [Recommend 90 days]
- Will you do what you say you're going to do? [To gauge their credibility--honesty]
- Will you in be honest with me on how you feel and fact do what you say you're going to do once you make a commitment?
[Setting the stage for accountability]
Questions for Your Potential Coach:- How many companies like this have you worked with before?
[To determine a track record of success or failure]
- How long did you stay with your last company?
[To gauge their commitment level]
- Why did you leave that company?
[To see if their reason for separating was valid - to you] - Why did you decide to partner with this company in particular?
[What was their why]
- How many ways can I make money? [They should have a basic understanding of the compensation plan]
- What are 3 things that makes an MLM program a good, worthwhile program?
[Look for 3 out of the following: Good company management with experience in the industry; Timing in the company and industry; Remarkable product; Fair compensation plan--rewards spare-time, part-time, and full-time people; Training system; Purpose that fits your tastes; Reputation and culture of the company and it's distributors]
- How many people are you actively coaching now?
[To see how available they'll be]
- How many business opportunities are you working right now, and why are you working more than one program?
[How focused are they and are they a shrewd capitalist?]
- Other than the start-up kit and my monthly commitment (products or service subscription), how much extra money do I need to spend?
[They should be able to something like this: "It costs to grow a business. This includes personal product and/or service use, along with replicated website, CRM, samples, marketing collateral, postage, face-to-face networking events, and speed networking over the phone."]
- How can I get the extra money to start and maintain my business?
[Buy from yourself--if your company has products that allows you to "switch stores", CoinStar(TM) machines, bag lunch, W4 adjustment]
Go get 'em tigers and tigresses!
Wishing you massive affluence,
The Keeper of the ARC of the Covenant