Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Do you have a blog page?

The Internet can be a very cold, impersonal place. How can you
warm people up to you? One way is to set up a blog page. Blogs
are free to set up, and you can let your visitors know that you
are a real person.

Most network marketing companies offer replicating websites
(e.g. and those sites
are set up to tell visitors about the features of your company's
product(s)/service(s), and the business opportunity. Your
unique personality is not on display.

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Make sure to purchase a unique domain name to redirect to
your replicated website. It is not a bad idea to run the
name by your network marketing company's corporate office
before actually purchasing the domain name.

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However, a blog page can serve as your "gateway" page - a page
designed to get people to know you better. Remember, network
marketing is a person-to-person business. So, let people in on
some of your personal business like your hobbies and interests.

Generally, people do business with those that they know, like,
and trust. As a matter of fact, these three elements are very,
very necessary if you plan to build true "walk-away" (i.e.
residual) income with your home-based network marketing

You see, sales people can sign up a lot of customers and recruit
a lot of business builders in short order, but can they keep


I'd say, not normally.

However, if you build a solid relationship, by letting people
know who YOU really are, they'll most likely stand by you
through thick and thin.

So, I recommend that you have at least two (2) websites with
unique domain names: Your blog; and your company's replicated

You can get your FREE blog page at

You can get unique domain names at
I recommend Directnic over GoDaddy because even though the
initial domain purchase is cheaper for the latter, the former
will charge you additional fees for setting up e-mail accounts
and such.

Again, don't forget to clear a unique domain name that you're
intending to redirect to your replicating website with your
network marketing company's corporate office before actually
purchasing it. Companies selling financial services and or an
insurance or insurance-like product (e.g. Pre-Paid Legal) are
very strict about this policy and may subject your
distributorship revoked.

My blog is usually entered through my gateway page with it's
unique domain -

A good example of a replicated website with a unique domain name
redirected to it is at

Let me know what your blog page and uniquely-named replicated
website is when you set it up, okay?